1Tim. 2 | Act 1:13
The God kind of Love // a living sacrifice Rom. 12:1-2
Take away unforgiveness
The praying life of members of a church, determines the strength of that church.
The prayer altar is fueled by walking with the Holy Spirit
The praying church is the winning church. Lk 18:1
The highest dimension / kind of prayer you can pray is INTERCESSORY PRAYER
col. 4:12, 1Thess. 1:2, 1Tim. 2:1, Phi. 1:4
*When it comes to the earth, God wants us to determine what happens because He has given us the earth.
*Inconsistency in the altar of prayer is what makes the church weak. Lev. 6:12
*It is the responsibility of the priest to watch the fire never to go out in any assembly or life.
*Prayer is not by human strength input but the enablement of the Spirit.
Num 23:23 Your Prayer life is your defence
For your Prayer to have effect:
i. The true Spirit of holiness. Num. 23:21, Eph. 5:27
ii. The understanding of the word of God. Ps. 82:5iii. The baptism of the Holy Ghost. Acts 1:4-8
iv. Pray in the name of Jesus. Jn 16:23, Phil. 2:5
v. The Spirit of grace and supplication. Zech. 12:10, Zech. 4:5
vi. Faith in God
vii. Humility. Phil. 2:5-11
viii. Give God glory always.
Prepared by:
Olokodana Jeremiah
WCF President
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