The following are the principles of reading and how to excel in Higher Institutions. 

  • The Law of Examination States that,"passing is directly proportional to reading provided that praying is constant". As you read always remember your God because he is the one who really helps you to pass.

Do not wait until you are having test before you read.

Read your notes immediately you have them.

This makes reading easier.

It may also help when you have unexpected test.

Study your reading pattern.

Make sure you know whether reading in the day or night is preferable to you.

Do not follow your friends to read in the night if you are not a night reader; 

Do not follow them to read during the day if you are not a day reader.

Do not force yourself to read.

If you read without understanding your notes, keep it and do something else.

It may be due to stress; so you have to relax or sleep, if it is hunger find food to eat.

The brain cannot assimilate anything when it is stressed, or uncomfortable.

Read to understand, don't read for reading sake.

Do not always cram, sometimes cramming disappoints students.

Stop relying on others for answers during test and exams as you may implicate yourself.

Since you are a student, you should learn with good character.

Do not misbehave to a lecturer (even if you may senior the lecturer).

Make sure that you do all assignments your given, even if you know it won't be marked.

Always come to lectures early.

Some lecturers are offended and may punish a late commer.

Do not be unserious because others are, some students come to school while others come to the school.

Those who come to school are those who come to learn; those who come to the school are not there for learning.

Walk with friends that will help you, and not those that won't help you academically.

Don't be overwhelmed with fear for a course.

No course is difficult, unless you allow it.

Do not hate a lecturer or a course as this may affect your performance.

Try to like each courses equally.

Whatever you are reading, make sure your understand it before proceeding.

Feel free to ask questions when you don't understand something, even if you will be laughed at. There is no shame in learning.

Ask your course-mates to explain anything you don't understand, don't feel shy it's part of learning.

As for calculations, make sure you practice frequently and correctly.

Calculations are not tough. They need dedication and willingness.

If you determine to pass it you won't have problem.

Don't always think that if you are intelligent, you don't have any problem.

Its not how intelligent you are but how smart you are.

Some questions need smartness to answer them.



By: emmakulation